Well, after wating all Thanksgiving weekend for my professor to send me back my book analysis (which he did but it didn't go through) I got it back today. I received a B+ and a great critique of my syntax and sentance structure (he thinks I might be too wordy and put together to many complex sentences - go figure!). I also did a presentation in class and got an A. I felt very relaxed and in my element as I got an opportuntiy to teach a class (albeit for only 15 minutes - timed). After class we all went to a nearby restaurant and our professor treated us to a burger and a drink. I have now finished with my first PhD seminar (except for the 40 page paper) and I have a few thoughts. Here goes:
1. I'm not the smartest guy in the class but I do belong. I can think, evaluate, integrate complex concepts, and apply what I learn to concepts that can be taught or can be enacted.
2. My age has little to do with how I am viewed or responded to in the class. I am accepted on the merits of my own being and my own thoughts.
3. I relate well to others in a diverse and integrated group. My closest friend is a 30 something African-American father of two who is majoring in ethics. The other person I relate to is another 30 something African-American woman pastor who already has a PhD in another discipline (Public Policy). It's nice to know that your age, gender, and skin color do not limit you to one homogeneous group.
4. This is fun. I love to learn and grow and change.
Now, here are some things for you.
1. You belong. You may not be the smartest, richest, prettiest, most talented, articulate person in your circle of influence, but you can think, evaluate, and integrate things from your area of interest.
2. Accept others on the merits of who they are. Don't pigeonhole others into some calss or group.
3. Be intentional about diversity. If you don't know anyone else who is ethnically, racially different than you, you have the responsibility to make it diverse. Diversity is a good thing but it must be intentional to be real.
4. Changing and growing, becoming and learning can be fun. How have you grown recently? Try it. You might like it.
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