Thursday, April 9, 2009


I got my grades for the Winter Quarter. I took two directed readings last quarter - one in creativity and imagination and the other in the area of Erasmus and his translation of John 1:1. To meet the requirements of the course I read about 6,000 pages, traveled to both Yale and Princeton to study with professors, and wrote nearly 100 pages of my dissertation. For that work I received an A for each of the courses. My GPA for my work here at Fuller is 3.91 and I have completed 80 hours of classes. I am only two classes short of completing my course work. I will finish one class this quarter (Spring) and the other one during the Summer. By the time Fall comes around I will (God willing) be writing the final chapter of my dissertation. My plan is to complete the writing by December and graduate in June of 2010. If I can keep on that pace I will have completed the PhD in 3 1/2 yrs. The average is 6 years.
I am proud of my grades. I have received nothing under an A- for any class and only received one B+ on any assignment (my first one in my first class). I have worked hard to maintain my grades while being an Interim Pastor at Church of the Foothills, working as a TA in numerous classes, and being an Adjunct Professor at Fuller in preaching. I have also taught an on-line class at Warner University in Florida, been a Research Assistant for my mentor, and taken on a few extra preaching assignments like a Campmeeting in NE Ohio and one coming up in Eastern Washington.
It has been one of the most fulfilling times of my life. I have read more, written more, learned more, and thought more than I have in the last decade of my life. I love to interact with students, share my love of preaching, and pastor some wonderful people. God has been faithful. We don't have much money in the bank and we have some school loans to pay off when this is done, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. I appreciate the A in the classes because it is something that I can point to and say to my wife and to my Lord, "I have been faithful to the calling."


the fallen juliet said...

watching your video makes me miss your voice and the way you wold give your sermons i may know nothing about what your talking about but i am entrance just by listening to you speak

i love you pj and ihope your doing well


Dana Michael Krull said...

Congrats got me beat on the GPA. (Dangit!)

Jerry said...

Well done! I am proud of you and privileged to call you "friend."

Wayne said...

Jeff, you have my congratulations and my sincere admiration. You are achieving something I would have loved to have been able to do, but I candidly admit to being unable to achieve that high an academic level. You reflect an admirable quality mixed with a appreciable devotion to the church. Hats off to you........

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