Saturday, March 3, 2007

A Box of Chocolates

Forrest Gump was right. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're goin' to get." Life seems full of surprises. Some are exciting, others not so. But you never know what you are going to find:
  1. Surgery - Joanie has been diagnosed with advanced arthritis in her left hip. The cartelidge is all gone and bone is rubbing on bone. After seeing a surgeon (the third doctor that has confirmed the arthritis diagnosis) he is recommending hip replacement surgery. He is booked 4-6 months ahead, so we are unsure when the surgery will be scheduled. The condition has grown more and more problematic and painful for Joanie. She finally has medical insurance (six months getting that straightened out) and will be having the surgery through Kaiser. We have had good experiences with them and were very impressed by the surgeon and his reputation. Rehabilitation will take 6-12 weeks following the surgery. Our biggest concern is being able to get to Joel and Shafali's for the birth of our first grandchild in September. We are praying things all work out.

  2. Although there are other factors, this certainly sealed the deal that Joanie will teach again in Gardena next year. She has already informed her Principle and the Senior Pastor about both the surgery and her intent to return. Both are sad about the surgical aspect but excited to have her come back. She is doing a great job and they are all very happy to have someone of her gifts and quality, commitment and attitude coming back to the school.

  3. I walked into class last Thursday to listen to three students preach in our small group preaching session (I listen to them preach and then critique their sermons). As I approached the room, I found that a movie crew was there. They had received permission to follow one of my students for the next 18 months as they prepare for ministry. So, they filmed for this documentary not only the student they were following, but the two other students scheduled to preach that day (both of whom had preached exactly once before in their lives, and that was in this same small group a couple of weeks ago). Then the crew filmed the feedback session. Later that day, I saw the director on campus and she asked me if they could interview me for the documentary (the title is, "Called" and deals with people called to ministry and their preparation for it).

So, somewhere in 2009-10 I will be in a documentary from PBS. Or, I will end up on the cutting room floor (more likely). But, life is like a box of chocolates . . .

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