Thursday, August 18, 2005


Sorry for the delay in posting but I have been working diligently on my book. I am on Chapter 5 and have about 50 or so pages typed. But putting so much time in on the book has limited my postings on the blog.
Joel and Shafali (My youngest son and his wife of 3 weeks) left from Tampa today to try and make a whirlwind trip from Orlando to Chicago, change air carriers and go from Chicago to San Jose, get picked up, drive 3 hours to Fresno and spend a few days at home visiting friends. Unfortunately they got delayed in Pittsburgh. They never made their flight to Chicago but Delta, the second carrier came through big time and they ended up going from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati to LA to Fresno (the Cincinnati to LA flight they were bumped up to first class) and are sleeping at the house in Fresno tonight. Hmmmm. Some delays work out well.
Since I took Joel and Shafali from Tampa to Orlando to catch their flight (we left at 5am and I got back to Tampa at 8am and had slept about 2 hours) we delayed our departure until the afternoon. We got off late but are in Charlotte, N.C. tonight and, hopefully, will make it into West Middlesex, Pa. Tomorrow afternoon. We don't want to be delayed in our desire to attend the National Association Campmeeting. Driving during the night prevented us from having traffic and work area delays - we made good time.
Delays. Sometimes they benefit us and sometimes they frustrate us. Life is often lived in the delays; in places where we wait; in times when we are waiting on the Lord and see our futures as being "delayed" by circumstances. I wonder if God does not work just as much through and in the delays as he does in the moving moments. Israel was delayed 40 years; Jesus public ministry was delayed 40 days; Abraham's seed was delayed for years and years; Ruth's inclusion in the Jewish family was delayed by the death of her first husband; Paul was delayed from going into Macedonia and he was delayed by the imprisonment in an Philippian Jail.
If you are in a delay, watch out, God is working - more than you ever think or expect!

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