Thursday, July 22, 2010


The next stage of my career has begun. I am sitting in my new office at Templeton Hall at Princeton Theological Seminary and I am beginning (slowly) to adapt to new surroundings. Most of the students and professors are not on campus during the summer. It gives me time to try and learn the new process and procedure manual for how things are done at Princeton. I am working on the syllabus for my first class in September on Creativity in Preaching. I will soon be working on the syllabus for all three units of speech communication that I will be teaching - but there is a template already in place for those classes. I will be assigning my own work for each class, the assignments for the students to perform in class, and whatever other scheduling that will be unique to my sections. I am looking forward to doing all of this as the next few weeks go forward.

Joanie and I have begun unpacking our lives (the hundreds of boxes that our stuff was packed into) and are getting used to our new surroundings. Our apartment is full of character and is located just behind the seminary. The buildings are all in a historic preservation area located a block away from Princeton University. Our bedroom is coming together and there is much to do in the living room and kitchen, but we are coming along. Joanie took a day to help me get my office together. There are still boxes to unpack at both locations. We will get some opportunity to travel over the coming weeks. We hope to attend the Convention for the National Association of the Church of God as well as visiting with our kids some more. We may even travel to Florida to see Joanie's Dad. However, by the middle of August we will be back here and I will have my nose to the grindstone.

I cannot believe how God has led and directed our lives over the course of these last few years. I started this blog when I went on Sabbatical 5 years ago. Now, here I am teaching at Princeton. God has been very active in our lives. I freely acknowledge his goodness towards us. The video I am including here was put together by my son, Doug, after he and Jonathan surprised us by coming out to California for my hooding and graduation. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed seeing them standing at our apartment door. God bless


Wayne said...

thanks so much for sharing your video. May God richly bless your teaching days, Jeff, and make the whole effort a rich and full--total--success. I know you will inspire a bunch of young preachers-to-be to be better than they would have been without you...

PJ said...

Thanks, Wayne, for all your help and assistance in the process (and for your kind words). I still owe you a dinner at Campmeeting! Its the least I can do. By the way, I just bought and read Saint Sebastian. Thanks for the helpful information about one the pioneers I knew little about.

Chase said...

Very very proud of you Dr. PJ! :) I love you and the stable foundation that you helped me make in my life. Still married over 7 years strong, with a wonderful wife and achieved a lot...but I constantly think about our friendship and how you helped me begin on a good path!

And the playoffs!

Congrats Jeff! You deserve it!

God bless!

Chase Nunes